Menopause treatment Bonita Springs, FL - Vitality Balance Clinic

Introduction to Menopause and Its Effects

Menopause is a natural transition that all women go through, marking the end of the reproductive years. The years leading up to menopause are called perimenopause, when hormone levels become erratic and start to decline. This transition brings physical and emotional changes that can significantly impact quality of life if left untreated. Some key things to know:

Timeline and Stages

Our services

Symptoms and Impact

Causes and Risk Factors

Treatments and Relief Options

Why Proper Treatment Matters

Navigating menopause without medical guidance can lead to years of frustrating symptoms and increased future health risks. Getting proper treatment tailor-made to your situation can help you feel like yourself again.

Reduced Quality of Life

Ignoring symptoms and not getting treatment often results in:

Treating hormone imbalance, even years after menopause starts, can resolve symptoms when lifestyle measures aren’t enough.

Increased Health Risks

Leaving menopause untreated also raises your chance of developing:

Expanded Treatment Options

The good news is hormone therapy and other treatments can help counteract these increased health risks while also making you feel better now. Even if it’s been years since your last period, it’s never too late to address menopausal symptoms and optimize health.

Take control of your menopause journey today!

Vitality Balance Clinic’ Menopause Treatment Approach

Vitality Balance Clinic provides comprehensive menopause treatment from experienced healthcare providers focused specifically on hormonal balance for women. Our integrative approach includes:

Customized Hormone Therapy

Lifestyle Optimization

Ongoing Support

Keep reading to learn more about hormone testing, specific therapies we offer, and our team’s specialized expertise.

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalance

Since hormone levels fluctuate, measuring them at one point in time may not reveal imbalances responsible for symptoms. Our doctors utilize advanced hormone testing and analysis to uncover optimization opportunities.

Blood Tests

Blood tests can measure circulating hormones like:

Saliva Tests

Saliva testing is also used to understand:

Our Approach

Accurately assessing hormone balance enables personalized, effective treatment.

Interesting fact

Acupuncture has emerged as an appealing alternative therapy for managing menopause symptoms. Studies show acupuncture can significantly reduce hot flashes and night sweats by influencing the brain's hormone control centers. This ancient Chinese medicine technique provides drug-free relief by tapping into the body's own natural healing abilities.

Vitality Balance Clinic’ Menopause Treatment Options

The right treatment depends on your hormone test results, menopause symptoms, health risks, lifestyle, preferences, and treatment history. Options may include:

Systemic Estrogen Therapy

If blood tests confirm estrogen deficiency in the context of menopause symptoms, systemic estrogen therapy taken as a pill or skin patch can provide relief.

Estrogen relieves hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, bone loss, and heart disease risk while improving mood, energy, sleep, and skin thickness.

Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure as those made in the body. Options include:

They are available in FDA-approved and compounded forms and are preferred by many patients and practitioners.

Testosterone Replacement

Testosterone therapy can treat low energy, low libido, and reduced sense of wellbeing. Delivery methods include:

We ensure testosterone is only given to women who are clinically deficient to avoid risks from excessive doses.

Thyroid Hormone Optimization

Your thyroid health can influence every cell in your body. We test and address:

Restoring thyroid hormone levels can markedly improve energy, mood, weight management, hair, skin, digestion, menstrual cycles, fertility and more.

Other Therapies

Beyond hormone optimization, we offer additional therapies as needed:

This multimodal approach maximizes symptom relief while supporting optimal wellness.

Get proper treatment for a better quality of life.

Vitality Balance Clinic’ Menopause Specialists in Bonita Springs

Our menopause healthcare providers have decades of specialized training and experience caring for women during their transition and beyond.

Dr. Jane Wong, Menopause Specialist

Dr. Sarah Lane, Menopause expert and Women’s Health Expert

Our Registered Nurses

We collaborate closely as an integrative team focused on the specialized needs of menopausal and postmenopausal women for a smoother, healthier transition.

Importance of Timely Menopause Evaluation in Bonita Springs

If you’re experiencing frustrating menopause symptoms or were told by another provider to just tolerate them, we encourage you to pursue care from our menopause doctors sooner rather than later. There are excellent options to help you feel better.

Age of Menopause Onset

Even if menopause started early for you or it’s been years since your last period, treatment can still help resolve lingering symptoms.

Duration of Symptoms

Without treatment, menopause symptoms typically persist an average of:

But 1 in 4 women battle symptoms persisting longer than 5 years or have a resurgence later on. There are many options to try even if you have suffered for years already.

Seeking Guidance in Bonita Springs

As a tourist destination and retirement community, Bonita Springs hosts women of all ages who benefit from proactive hormone evaluations and personalized symptom relief protocols. We even see female snowbirds each year who “fly south” for the winter and notice worsening menopause symptoms in our warmer climate.

Bonita Springs enjoys abundant sunshine and warmer weather than most northern states. Its average high temperatures range from 70-90°F year round. For some women, warmer ambient temperatures trigger or worsen hot flashes and night sweats. The humidity also exacerbates discomfort. Making time for a hormone consultation and getting properly treated can ensure you fully enjoy your stay.

What to Expect at Your First Consultation

If you decide to schedule an appointment with one of our best menopause specialists at Vitality Balance Clinic, here is an overview of what you can expect:

Comprehensive Evaluation

Customized Treatment Plan

Convenient Follow Up Care

We strive to listen attentively and partner together to find the solutions that are right for you.

Healthy Lifestyle Ideas for Menopausal Women in Bonita Springs

Feeling your best involves more than hormone optimization alone. We provide personalized lifestyle recommendations and referrals to local Bonita Springs establishments that support overall wellbeing. Consider incorporating:

Diet and Nutrition

Exercise and Fitness

Stress Management and Relaxation

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